I'm Leaping! Dear Lord, don't let me bust my tail.
By nature, I’m a very calculated risk averse person. I can also be a bit of a worry wart. I'm the friend that does endless research to make sure they know about a topic before they move forward. That one friend that feels like they need to become somewhat of an expert before they do something - yeah I am her and she is me.
So when I decided to dive into this special project I researched, made phone calls, asked mentors for their advice, and still I was nervous to move forward. All the “what ifs” and “what abouts” kept popping up in my mind. In the moments I learned that fear was always going to be present along this journey, I just had to decide if I was going to listen to it or not. Meanwhile on the other side, my “business besties” were saying “Ma’am, get it together. You can do this. Do it!” Their words were like refreshing water on dry days and a kick in the rear when I was giving into fear. But I kept going through with all the planning, phone calls with providers, and more to customize this just for you.
I started 2020 like this (short hair, don’t care). And spent a good portion of this pandemic researching, planning, and getting ready to launch this special project. And this is how I’m looking in 2021 as I get ready to launch (long hair, let it be because I’m focused elsewhere).
I’ve checked all the boxes that could be checked. I’ve pushed myself past analysis paralysis (this is a weekly endeavor) and made the decision that this leap is worth it. Because the truth I can’t possibly know EVERYTHING, some things I’ll learn on my way. So here’s to leaping into offering something new that’s going to help you look and feel like the best version of yourself. Any guesses on what the new project is? Let me know below or come chat with me on IG/FB with your guesses. I’m loving what you’ve shared thus far!
Stay tuned for the announcement tomorrow!