I'm pushing fear to the side
Have you ever sat on an idea out of fear? Like the idea is GREAT and you know it’s GREAT, but the fear of what could go wrong grips you. Yeah… that’s been me for the past few years. In 2017, I started offering one-on-one and group makeup lessons. I found my sweet spot! I’m a teacher at heart so combining makeup and teaching was a God-send. But I started seeing the same issue. Class after class - same issue. And then I started seeing the issue during makeup application appointments when clients would tell me about their makeup and beauty experience. And like a good teacher and creative - I had to find the solution. And I found it! I was over the moon excited. BUT… as I started doing the research I stopped. I got scared.
The fear of the investment. The fear of failing if I did decide to move forward with this idea. I started saying “who am I to do this?” “I don’t know enough?” Then I started saying that someone more qualified can solve this problem and I’ll just recommend it to my clients because who has time for that disappointment. Not me. And just like that, I talked myself out of it. Packed it up and pushed it to the back of my mind.
Friend, I let fear win. I let the self doubt and fear of the unknown win. And in doing so, I missed out on the joy of serving my clients (I really do love y’all!). I missed out on the opportunity to learn from the process of creating something new. But most importantly, I missed out on accepting an opportunity to realize the greatness that can be realized from a great idea - a God idea. I can’t tell you to embrace your full self and not embrace my full self. That’s not how this works. I forgot, for a moment, that when God has gifted you with skills, talents, and abilities, they produce ideas, business plans, products, special projects and more.
So in the midst of a nasty pandemic I came back to my great idea, packed away in the recesses of my mind, and decided to dust it off and start again.
*Deep breath* here we are friends! And I’m over the moon excited to share it with you. Any guesses on what my special project is? Join me on IG/FB and get in on the guessing game in my comments!