5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Go Makeup Shopping
Hey Friend!
If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably purchased makeup on the spur, because it was trending on social, or with friends/family and now you’re looking at your makeup bag like “ Why did I buy this?” Honestly, I don’t shop for makeup as much as I used to once I got an accountability partner. I know that sounds like a bit much, but I had to. I had gotten a little out of control and I had to take a pause and start being intentional about my purchases.
Let me paint the picture for you - I used to live next to an ULTA, Sephora, MAC Store, and numerous department stores all within 5 miles of my home. This doesn’t include the online sites I had saved to my favorites. Major problem! So, I started going shopping while on the phone with one of my closest friends. I would tell her why I was going shopping so that as I shopped and commented on stuff she would ask me some of these questions to help me stay focused. And today I want to share the 5 questions to ask yourself before you start makeup shopping.
Why am I shopping?
Ask yourself why you’re shopping. Is it out of want or need? I always recommend doing an inventory of your current makeup bag. Last blog, I talked about doing a makeup inventory covering 6 areas. An inventory will help you to know what you have, what you’re missing, and then what you should start considering to purchase. I’m not saying that you still can’t treat yourself with the occasional beauty self care purchase, but let’s keep that as our something special treat and not our everyday routine.
Have I made a list?
What’s on your list, friend? Remember that makeup inventory we did? Yes, use that to create a list of what you need/want to buy to add to your makeup bag. Shopping with a list helps you stay focused and ensures you get what you need. Whether you’re shopping online or venturing back into the stores, having a list is key for not getting sucked into the distractions of random sales, eye catching displays, and the persuasion of sales representatives.
How can/will I use this product?
Commit to using in the next 2 weeks from the time of purchase. Why do I recommend putting a time frame around it? Because if you give yourself a realistic timeline, you’re most likely going to actually use the makeup and not allow it to pile up in the land of products bought but never touched. (it’s ok, I have a pile too! You’re in good company)
Do I know how to use this product?
We’re all guilty of buying a product because it’s popular or because a friend recommended. It goes something like this “Oh girl, I got product X it’s great! I used it last night and my makeup was on point! You gotta get product X for yourself.” So you and I, wanting to have our makeup “on point” buy it too and don’t have a clue how to use it. If you don’t know how to use the product it’s ok and expected that you ask questions of the friend who recommended it, the sales rep who recommended it, and your local favorite makeup artist :) You can also look on the product maker’s website or social media for videos demonstrating how it should be used.
How does this purchase affect my budget?
Now that we’ve gone through and answered all the questions, let’s talk about how this affects our pockets. Makeup is an investment that ranges depending on the product and the brand. I always recommend putting some dollar signs next to the items on the list so that I’ve literally counted the cost of my investment. You’ll find that some items can be purchased immediately and others may need to be purchased later, but at least you know and can make those decisions. No one wants that awkward feeling of looking at the total in the shopping cart and having to make tough choices about what you’re going to buy and what’s getting left behind. Or, buyers remorse when you’ve spent too much and feel guilty about it for days or weeks. Setting a budget is crucial for a successful shopping experience.
I hope this helps and that you can now be on your way to enjoy your next makeup shopping experience.
Need some help doing your makeup inventory and shopping? Sign up for the Makeup Bag Refresh virtual makeup lesson for only $37! Let’s get your makeup bag refreshed and in good shape to put your best face forward.
Talk to you soon,